速報APP / 遊戲 / Guy's Biobanking

Guy's Biobanking





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本



聯絡地址:309 The White Studios Templeton Business Centre Glasgow G40 1DA UK

Guy's Biobanking(圖1)-速報App

What is biobanking and how does it work?

Guy's Biobanking(圖2)-速報App

Over the past 40 years, amazing advances have been made in the treatment and management of a wide range of medical conditions. These advances have been driven by scientific research.

Guy's Biobanking(圖3)-速報App

Medical researchers rely on tissue samples donated by individuals with medical conditions, these samples are vitally important for their scientific research. Testing and research using these samples can help improve healthcare in the future, enabling scientists to discover new and better treatments and ways of detecting diseases earlier

Guy's Biobanking(圖4)-速報App

At Guy’s Cancer we think it is important that patients understand how their samples will be used. The Biobanking app explains the benefits of biobank and how your sample supports research and how we gain and manage your consent to use your samples.

Guy's Biobanking(圖5)-速報App